Synchronized Synergistic Therapy SST
What is Synchronized Synergistic Therapy?
Synchronized Synergistic Therapy (SST) is an integrative and comprehensive psychotherapeutic healing modality that combines the expertise of a psychotherapist with one or more clinicians from other healing disciplines during therapy sessions.
This synergistic and collaborative approach allows the client to be supported in accessing and releasing deeply held emotions and traumas in the mind and body.
Being supported in a safe and nurturing environment, with the mind and body simultaneously being addressed, allows blocks to emotional and physical pain to begin to dissolve and trapped emotions to begin to release.
Messages held in the body begin to be expressed and unwind in the therapeutic process. Clients often report feeling light, hopeful, and clear following SST sessions.
Through the synchronization of practitioners in the SST process, clients often need fewer sessions than traditional trauma-focused therapies to achieve relief of chronic emotional struggles.

Key Features of SST:
Collaborative Approach
SST brings together practitioners from different healing disciplines to create a collaborative therapeutic environment. This approach allows for a holistic assessment and treatment of the client's emotional and physical well-being
Release of Trapped Emotions
In SST sessions, clients are supported in a safe and nurturing environment to express and release emotions that are held in the body. This process helps to dissolve emotional and physical blocks, leading to a sense of lightness, hope, and clarity.
Simultaneous Mind-Body Focus
SST addresses both the mind and body concurrently, aiming to access and release deeply held emotions and traumas. By integrating psychotherapeutic techniques with other modalities, SST supports clients in healing emotional wounds that may manifest physically.
Efficiency in Therapy
Due to its synchronized and synergistic nature, SST often results in faster relief of chronic emotional struggles compared to traditional trauma-focused therapies. Clients may require fewer sessions to achieve significant therapeutic outcomes.
Development and Foundation
Synchronized Synergistic Therapy is rooted in the core principles of The Emotional Shifting Process, an innovative healing technique pioneered by Dr. Richard Schulman, Ph.D. This approach emphasizes the integration of emotional and physical healing, aiming to facilitate profound shifts in clients' emotional well-being.